Learn more about Housing Attainability in Flagstaff

With housing prices that are 36 percent higher than the national average, Flagstaff is facing a housing crisis. Download the most comprehensive study done on the challenges - and opportunities - Flagstaff faces in ensuring adequate housing for its workforce. Enter your name and email address below to get instant access to this important report.


It is a common saying among locals that Flagstaff is "poverty with a view," a place where there is a disconnect between the income of its local workforce and the high cost of living. Much of this is fueled by the housing costs, which are 36% higher than the national average.

This report goes beyond the anecdotal evidence and analyzes the problem using wide-ranging data:

  • Current statistics from government entities, employers, and real estate professionals.
  • Interviews with leaders from Flagstaff's major employers.
  • An in-depth survey conducted with more than 5,600 members of the area's workforce discussing the importance of home ownerships, obstables to finding housing that fits their budget, and the likelihood that they might leave the region because of high housing costs.

This study includes recommendations on how to address Flagstaff's housing crisis, including best practices used in other communities facing this issue.

Six Important Stats

Flagstaff's population has boomed in the past five years.

Between 2010 and 2015, the city's population grew about 7%, compared to the national rate of 4.1%.

25% of the houses in Flagstaff are second homes

A 2010 study by the City of Flagstaff identified almost 5,000 unique second homeowners, who on average had an income about $56,000 more than the general Flagstaff population.

83% of local workers surveyed called home ownership 'very important'

Owning a home is still key to the American dream regardless of whether your are a doctor, a police officer, a teacher or a dishwasher.

43% of Flagstaff households are 'cost burdened'

The impact of rapid growth in Flagstaff and the inability of housing development to keep pace has led to almost half of Flagstaff households paying more than 30% of their incomes for housing.

Currently median sales price of a home is $350,000 

This generally requires a household income in excess of $90,000 to afford.

Rental prices are affected as well

The lack of workforce housing is putting pressure on the apartment market as well, with rental rates hundreds of dollars higher than what HUD considers "fair market rates."

Ready to Learn More?

Flagstaff is facing a housing crisis and it will take all of us - government officials, employers, nonprofits, real estate professionals and residents - to craft strategies to create more affordable housing for our residents. Enter your name and email below to get instant access to this report.