Hiring Based on Wiring

8 Steps to Avoid Wrong Fits, False Starts, and Missed Opportunities When Filling Marketing Jobs at Your Nonprofit


Hiring the right person is never easy in any sector, and can even be harder for nonprofits looking for top-notch marketing and communication team members

When you find the perfect fit, it’s great.

But when you don’t, it comes at a huge cost to you and your nonprofit.

Mediocre marketing, communications that don’t convert, lackluster program participation - they are all signs of ineffective marketing. And they don’t just keep you from moving the needle and pushing forward; they are enough to make your stomach turn.

Without the right person in place, the mission itself is interrupted.

But....it doesn’t have to be that way.

Finding good people who are the perfect fit can be done. It does, however, require that you take a fresh look at how you advertise for, identify, and ultimately select candidates.

Or to put it another way, you don’t need to hire better employees,

you just need to employ a better hiring process.

I walk you through a proven process to finding the perfect fit for your team.

It includes:

  • • 8 Steps to Avoid Wrong Fits
  • • False Starts
  • • Missed Opportunities When Filling Marketing Jobs at Your Nonprofit.

Step by step, this new hiring process is outlined for you, including an explanation of what it means to hire better, why it works, and, best of all, a checklist on exactly how to do it.


Because I KNOW how important it is to have a right-hand marketing and communications gal or guy by your side to help you move your mission forward 🙌🏽

It’s critical and essential to the success of your organization.

I see the impact of way too many nonprofits being held back because they don’t have, or can’t find the right people to deliver BIG on their mission.  

I don’t want that to be you.

Following this ‘hiring based on wiring’ process, you will find the person who not only possesses the skills and know-how to deliver high-level results, but also someone whose true strengths will blend and enhance your existing team.

When that happens, it will feel like the pieces of the puzzle are coming together for your team, and you’ll see marketing magic begin for your organization.

That’s what I want for you. 💙